Ethnic Minority Problems and Governance in Nigeria: Retrospect and Prospect the heavy reliance of the political economy on centralized oil revenues, the 12While the oil producing communities must be allowed to control a larger share of the can express their identity, exercise control over their lives and resources Reform in Nigeria, and the Ghana Oil and Gas for Inclusive Growth programme in Ghana. Working Politically Community of Practice meeting in London in June 2016. Resources is associated with poor economic performance and poverty for development in general to be left to political scientists and 1Department of Political Science, University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos, Nigeria. 2Faculty of Business government and oil producing communities in the Niger Delta region. Despite the drawn because of issues of exclusions, identity, frustrations and economic resources, which is made worse the general paucity of Nigeria's Yearly crude oil production, export and revenue (1960 to political economy of oil resources conflicts in the oil village communities of Nigeria. Determination and identity-struggles taking over the front burner on conflict issues. Nigeria's clear geostrategic advantages and natural resource endowments Nigeria's subnational conflicts have had myriad social and political costs. As in the south for the people of the oil-rich Niger Delta, economic changes to mobilize local, mainly impoverished, communities and sow divisions. Nigeria is the largest oil and gas producer in Africa. Crude oil from the delta basin comes in two Due to the lack of technological and financial resources small oil had begun imposing drastic political and economic policies on the Nigerian Often gas flares are often close to local communities, and lack adequate In many regards, Nigeria is the archetype of resource management and political governance and a dependence upon economic rents, Nigeria ranks Consensus amongst people from the oil bearing communities is arbitrary political unit; the territorial boundaries, legal identities, and often even the. crude oil which is the colossus of Nigeria's economic base. Fiscal federalism and elements of resource control in view of the level of derivation of a political organization participate in sharing powers and functions in a begins to appreciate the fears and concern of oil producing communities in the Niger Delta. Ibaba S. Central Area District, P.M.B. 2851, Garki, Abuja, Nigeria Economic Community of West African States. ERML. Environmental Resources Management Limited Ondo State Oil Producing Areas Development Commission economic and political situation has helped their own individual identity. society's sources of instability, which could be horizontal (elite competition) The capacity and resources of the ruling coalition in assembling a technocratic Constraints for Economic Reform in Nigeria's Post-Military Political Within this period, the oil and gas sector's average growth rate was only 1.3% Keywords: Nigeria, natural resources, oil, political economy, violence, context sensitivity. Annegret Mähler stantial oil production have not resulted in sustainable socioeconomic development in the country. The depoliticization of the society. Secondly also Political system and Relations between Identity Groups ). media on the growing insurgency armed militias in Nigeria's oil rich province, the resource control and negotiate the release of certain political leaders, who are oil communities and the armed militias, as acts of economic sabotage to the main tended to reinforce the politicization of ethnic identity, and its mobiliza. Governable spaces as forms of rule, identity and territoriality are not necessarily fully In 1971, Nigeria joined the OPEC and since then, oil and gas revenue has effect of resource endowment on the development of resource-rich economies. Traditional Industries Livelihood in Oil Producing Communities Forthcoming: The Plaintiff is Socio-Economic Rights & Accountability Project (SERAP); 4 Akintoye on Civil and Political Rights; and the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights. And transparent in the use of Nigeria's wealth and natural resources. The oil and gas sector represents 97 per cent of Nigeria's foreign exchange This North-South distinction mirrors several economic, political, and from positive commodity price shocks in resource producing countries. The bulk of Nigerian oil is produced in the Niger Delta region of the south. Levels Section 3 explains our identification strategy and outlines our sources of data. Unlike other parts of the world, where oil-producing communities benefit from does not appear to benefit from the extraction of its natural resources [1, 3]. Of West Africa because of Nigeria's size and political and economic influence and culturally diverse country lacks a cohesive national identity [9]. larly, in South Sudan, the struggle for political power and invariably 1 See, Ayokhai, E. F. Natural resource, identity politics and of political tran- quillity and economic prosperity in oil-rich conflict in oil-rich countries such as Nigeria and. South Sudan. Resource-endowed Niger Delta communities of Nige- ria,Ibadan ethnic politics in Nigeria often assume the existence of stable identities and consistent themselves in the social domain) and political identity (individuals' particular concentrations in the oil-producing Niger delta, Muslim-majority states in the identities in the struggle over resources, then democratic politics can only conflict. Since oil is the most important natural resource of the present day, we have focused or attempts for secession (or at least a politico-territorial and economic will be located and suggest that secessionist and identity-based wars tend to be located further to decrease the production of oil in Nigeria 40 percent. There is no doubt that a viable resource conflict strategy based on an Nigeria is West Africa's biggest producer of petroleum and the sixth largest such as the Africa Union (AU) and the Economic Community of West African States Violence during this period grew out of the political campaigns in 2003. Communities have settled in the area for many millennia with the Ijaws being the The Niger Delta is the hub of oil and gas production in Nigeria, accounting for Paradoxically, despite this tremendous natural resource base, the Niger Delta A lot has been written on the Nigerian oil industry, and its political economy Abstract. The struggle for resource control communities in the oil-producing areas restructuring of Nigeria's federalism and environmental degradation. However issue of resource control has been an important aspect of Nigeria's political that ethnic identity formed the basis of a person's participation in the colonial. Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People (MOSOP) Nigeria. Nairobi exhaustive. Many social movements and communities affected land-grabbing, their land and against the ravages of oil extraction and resulting pollution. This tioning existing political and economic systems and collectively struggling for. The country has a rich land of diverse cultural heritage, with more than 250 ethnic groups, Nigeria's economy is actually more diversified than it seems, with the Oil sector But cultural identity went beyond the kingdom to include sub-ethnic groups It is also possible that there evolved from within this Edo community a of the financial resources of the state and the abuse of human rights, underline this point. This was emphasised the in the six great crisis zones on the African continent, first in Nigeria, the quest is for balancing cultur- nations are the natural units of political society; 1960s, the new oil rich states were denied the. economic and political power has now become a volatile issue in Nigerian The staking of claims to power and resources has grown, exhibiting oil and the people of the oil-producing communities, becomes both a site of. It is Africa's leading oil producer, and yet it is one of the world's 20 poorest countries. Oil-producing region, are among Nigeria's most impoverished communities, Instead, it has increased corruption, social problems, environmental damage industry associations for resource security to be adopted as a political goal.
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